Whois Privacy Protection with MilwaukeeHostPlans

As a rule, the WHOIS information is required to be publicly available and in addition 100% correct. Because of this you will need to put up your personal or enterprise info on the web and enable it to be available for absolutely everyone to discover. With the Domain WHOIS Privacy Protection solution provided by MilwaukeeHostPlans, you can actually obscure your information with the use of our info as a substitute.
One of the benefits would be that all the domain–related emails (transfer requests, EPP codes, etc.) can nonetheless pass, while not needed e–mail messages shall be filtered out.

Whois Privacy Protection–eligible TLDs

On account of a registry–imposed limit, our company are unable to deliver the Whois Privacy Protection service to all domain names available. If a TLD can handle this kind of service by registry principle, only then we will offer it to you too. On the other hand, the majority of the favored domain names extensions come with Whois Privacy Protection support.
These TLDs include: .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .co, .co.za, .me, .tv, .cc.

SSL Certificates

Pick up SSL certificates from your CP

If you manage a web store, which accepts credit card payments, it is vital that you offer your site visitors a protected payment info submission page. And this is precisely where SSL certificates can come in real handy – they encrypt the connection between your site and the client. Ordinarily, you have to go to a third–party supplier to purchase an SSL. That isn’t the case with MilwaukeeHostPlans.

With MilwaukeeHostPlans, you will be able to obtain a conventional SSL certificate or even a wildcard SSL certificate directly from your Control Panel.

SSL Certificates

Domain Locking

Give protection to your domain names from theft

By locking your domain name, you can protect it from unsolicited transfers. In this way, anyone who attempts to trigger a transfer of your domain to a different domain registrar will be immediately stopped.

And if you have to transfer the domain name to some other domain name registrar yourself, you can unlock it with just one click of the mouse. The locking/unlocking functionality is accessible in the Domain Manager section of your Control Panel. Just select a domain and after that click on the Registrar Lock button to lock/unlock it.

Domain Locking

GeoIP Redirection Tool

Set up location–based redirections

The Domain Manager gives you the opportunity to address a particular target audience on the basis of its physical location. Using our GeoIP location tool, you will be able to easily redirect the visitors coming from a given geographical location to a particular section of your website that is focused on their demands. For instance, if you want to have a French version of your site, you can create a sub–domain fr.your–website.com and utilize the tool to point the visitors coming from France and from the French–speaking countries to this sub–domain.

The GeoIP redirection tool offers an easy–to–use interface from where you can set up a redirection with a simple click. There’s no necessity to insert any code in the .htaccess file.

GeoIP Redirection Tool

Feature–Rich Domain Manager

Edit name servers, generate subdomains, etc.

Within the Control Panel there is a point & click domain administration interface offering plenty of controls for managing multiple domains at the same time. You will be able to easily set up subdomains, forward websites, alter the name servers as well as the WHOIS details pertaining to a domain, set custom DNS records and a lot more.

Other than the standard domain name controls, in the Domain Manager you’ll also find an option to shield your domain name registration details using the Whois Privacy Protection service and also to protect your web shop’s financial transactions with ordinary or wildcard digital certificates.

Feature–Rich Domain Manager

  • Compare Our Prices

  • MilwaukeeHostPlans provides you with wonderful deals on domain names. You’ll discover over fifty TLDs, every single one sold at affordable registration prices.
  • Compare our TLD prices
  • TLD Details

  • Discover more information on the 50+ TLDs proposed by MilwaukeeHostPlans. See whether the preferred TLD contains any specific registration requirements.
  • View TLD Details
  • Service Guarantees

  • At MilwaukeeHostPlans, we provide trouble–free domain name hosting services. A 99.9% network uptime is guaranteed.
  • Contact Us

  • Do you have any questions related to Whois Privacy Protection? Just phone us and / or load the online chat for real time assistance on business days, or submit a help ticket from your Control Panel anytime to obtain a quick assistance from our competent technicians.