We’ve included a pair of Site Accelerator Programs to your Web Hosting Control Panel to help you effectively with ease improve the overall effectiveness of your websites. You won’t have to update anything in the code or generate particular configurations that require specialized expertise from you. In the Web Hosting Control Panel, only decide on the tool you intend to use – Varnish, Node.js, and Memcached and make an instance for it. It’s all completed with a click of the mouse. By speeding up your websites, won’t just prevent your clients from needing to wait around but also will help your website get a better position in search engine listings.

You can find the Site Accelerator Programs inside the Advanced Resources part of your Web Hosting Control Panel.


RAM–memorizing as opposed to data–base queries

The Memcached system is ideal for boosting website streaming speeds by storing the data–base data that is inquired by your visitors. It is a strong distributed memory object caching platform, allowing for info and objects to be cached in the RAM as an alternative for being requested each time an individual visits a site.

This tool is great for your database–driven websites or applications in which your web visitors dedicate plenty of time browsing as well as reading information. Memcached is located in the advanced resources section of the Web Hosting Control Panel.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–memorizing as an alternative to HTTP calls

There are various ways to quicken a website, but most of them require a designer to redo the back–end code. Fortunately, there are more simple–to–use tools for accelerating a site, such as the Varnish web accelerator instrument integrated into our Web Hosting Control Panel.

Varnish represents web application accelerator, which stores HTTP calls inside the server RAM and returns them to the site visitor as an alternative to expecting the web server to send them. Trials prove that employing Varnish on a website or a web application generally boosts loading speeds with a factor of 300 – 1000x. Varnish can be set up how to deal with incoming calls – whether they should be served by Varnish, by the hosting server, etc.

Hepsia File Manager


Generate adaptable applications without any difficulty

Node.js gives an up–to–date development platform for building adaptable web apps and sites in record time. It may be utilized for just about anything – from managing API calls, streaming files and also parsing emails to transforming photographs, audio files, videos and office docs.

It’s using the Google V8 JavaScript engine and additionally uses an event–driven, non–blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and powerful. Additionally, Node.js is known for a massive supportive community that produces continuous improvements for the platform and is also always able to assist.

Hepsia File Manager